Sunday, December 15, 2024 - Third Sunday of Advent

Episode 3 December 13, 2024 00:05:04
Sunday, December 15, 2024 - Third Sunday of Advent
Sundays with Bishop Ken
Sunday, December 15, 2024 - Third Sunday of Advent

Dec 13 2024 | 00:05:04


Hosted By

Little Books of the Diocese of Saginaw

Show Notes

Today is Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday of the 2024-2025 Advent season. Today with Bishop Ken, we reflect on our special devotion to  Mary and the venerable Antonietta Meo.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:07] Welcome back. Today is the third Sunday of Advent, December 15th, and is traditionally called Gaudet Sunday. [00:00:26] We begin today with a quote from Antonietta Mayo. [00:00:31] Dear Jesus, today I'm going out and I'm going to my nuns to tell them I want to make my First Communion at Christmas. [00:00:41] Jesus, come soon into my heart and I'll hug you very tight and kiss you. Oh Jesus, I want you to stay forever in my heart. [00:00:51] Antonietta Mayo Dear Jesus, it's almost hard to believe that the beautiful little letter written above came from the heart of a five year old child. [00:01:04] The author, Antonietta Mayo, affectionately called Nenolina, was born on this day in Rome in 1930. [00:01:15] At the time the letter was written, she had already been diagnosed with a bone cancer that required her leg to be amputated. [00:01:24] She deeply desired to receive the Lord in the Eucharist, so her mother began instructing her in the catechism. [00:01:33] That's when Nenelina began to dictate and later write on her own little letters to Jesus. [00:01:41] She had her mother place each one under a statue of the baby Jesus in her bedroom. [00:01:48] On the night of Christmas 1936, Nenelina received her First Holy Communion. [00:01:56] She had counted down the days and told Jesus she was preparing a beautiful and soft little crib for him to rest in her heart. [00:02:07] Despite the pain in her leg, she spent an hour kneeling in prayer and adoration after receiving the Eucharist for the first time. [00:02:18] Soon Nene Lisa's cancer spread and the little mystic died amid terrible pains at just six and a half years old on July 3, 1937, she was declared Venerable by Pope Benedict XVI on December 17, 2007. [00:02:41] If canonized, she could become the youngest non martyred saint in church history. [00:02:56] Now for today's reflection in which we ask, should we have special devotion to Mary? [00:03:05] The most authoritative and complete Church teaching on Mary was issued in 1964 at the Second Vatican Council. [00:03:15] The whole eighth chapter of the Constitution on the Church was devoted to her. [00:03:21] It is not the product of theological speculation or popular sentimentality. Rather, it is grounded in Scripture, in the early creeds and in solid theological tradition. [00:03:49] Perhaps the Council's well founded treatment of Mary is one of the reasons why Christians of other faiths have been moving toward a renewed appreciation of her. [00:04:01] Perhaps it can also help Catholics, especially those whose devotion to Mary has ebbed a bit to deepen their appreciation of this tradition. [00:04:12] The Hail Mary is an example of well founded devotion to Mary. Most of it is taken from Scripture. [00:04:21] Try saying it slowly. Once or twice speaking directly to her. [00:04:33] Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. [00:04:46] Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. [00:04:54] Amen.

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